Three-time Chief Minister, Shivraj Singh Chouhan has transformed Madhya Pradesh from a BIMARU state to one that is at the forefront of development and economic and social growth in the country. The book enumerates the successes of the State while highlighting the ‘how’ of it so that others can learn and emulate. In particular, it focuses on how good governance and inclusive growth have helped reduce poverty in the State.
It is a chronicle of the legacy that Chouhan inherited in 2005 and captures the Beginning of a New Era that focused on Inclusive Growth with Financial, Digital and Social Inclusion as the pivots; how he Catalysed Growth and created an Economic Upturn; how he Harnessed Agriculture and Leveraged Human Capital; created a platform for Sustainable Development; and, focused on the State’s traditional Culture and Heritage.
This work draws from many years of studying Madhya Pradesh and interacting with Chief Minister Chouhan, government officials and other stakeholders. The author, through a host of success stories and case studies enumerates lessons of good governance and political leadership that other states in the country can take lessons from.
About author
Reforms historian, Sameer Kochhar is Chairman, SKOCH Group. He is a passionate advocate of social, financial and digital inclusion. In 1997, after spending 15 years in the corporate world, he decided to follow his inner calling and become a development thinker. Ever since, he has single-mindedly applied himself to the rigours of selfeducation, academic research and field tours. The SKOCH Group was established as part of this endeavour. His expert opinion is sought by the government. In Kochhar’s thinking, writings and activities, his profound admiration for India’s economic reforms—and in extension, those outstanding personalities who strive to make these reforms more meaningful and broad-based—comes out clear and unambiguous. He has published over 17 volumes, the notable being ModiNomics, Untold Story of Indian Reforms and Defeating Poverty: Jan Dhan and Beyond.
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